River litter pick
On Saturday afternoon about 30 volunteers gathered at the club and took to the water to continue the Henley Earth Day clean-up efforts. Paddlers from the Upper Thames River Cleanup group joined us and took to the river in a variety of craft ranging in size from single kayaks, canoes and paddleboards up to a bell boat.
Teams scoured the riverbanks and islands from Marsh Lock to Phyllis Court for litter. Wearing high visibility jackets and using the litter pickers provided by Biffa, over 8 sacks were collected over two hours. The rubbish collected included large amounts of plastic, 29 tennis balls, a pot of lip gloss, a pair of socks, a plastic swimming pool, one trainer and a large storage chest.
The event helped raise awareness of the amount of rubbish that ends up in the river amongst the many passers-by who stopped to offer support and encouragement.